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The Church History of the

Faith Baptist Church of Berkeley, Incorporated

Under the leadership of the late Reverend Henry Lee Citchen, Sr., the Agnes Avenue Baptist Church was renamed and organized into the Faith Baptist Church at the current location on January 5, 1976. Under the leadership of Pastor Citchen, many lives were touched and many souls were saved. Pastor Citchen taught our church family the word of God, as well as everyday living, and how to survive. Prayerfully and conscientiously, Pastor Citchen established Faith Baptist Church as a house of prayer and refuge where all people could come and worship.


In 1977, Faith Baptist Church hosted the General Baptist Winter Board, and in 1982 the church co-hosted The National Baptist Sunday School and Baptist Training Union congress, an auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention of America.

  • In 1989, the lower level was remodeled to better serve the members and the community.
  • In 1990, the following ministries were reactivated: The Senior & Junior Usher Board, The Youth and Young Adult Choir, The Mission Society, The Youth and Young Adult Church, and the Baptist Training Union.
  • In 1991, the mortgage was liquidated, and praise and thankfulness to God was manifested. The church purchased a Hammond Organ, a copier, a computer, a typewriter, and other office equipment, and the vacant lot at 6011 Helen was purchased.
  • In 1992, the church was blessed to purchase choir robes. Carpet and tile was purchased for the dining area. The Reverend Jimmy Ward accepted his call into the gospel ministry and was ordained on Sunday, December 20, 1992.
  • In 1994, the Lord blessed our congregation to purchase a new roof, pave the parking lot and buy a new refrigerator.
  • In 1995, carpet was installed in the choir and the pulpit area(s) and the Faith Baptist Church was incorporated as the Faith Baptist Church of Berkeley, Incorporated.

Pastor Citchen was a man led by the Holy Spirit and had great plans for the church that included: remodeling the front of the church, pews covered with name plates installed from a previous pew really, purchase the house next door whenever it would become available, cornerstone laid, the baptismal pool lined, and to seal and stripe the parking lot. Pastor Citchen served faithfully, but became ill and was called home by the Lord on April 3, 1995.

During the illness of Pastor Citchen and subsequent death, the Reverend William Terry and the Reverend Leroy Anderson assisted the church and carried on the worship services.

In December, 1995 the Reverend Malcolm Mathis was called to pastor our congregation. Reverend Mathis was installed as the 2nd pastor of the Faith Baptist Church of Berkeley, Incorporated in March, 1996. Under the leadership of Reverend Mathis, the cornerstone was laid, the baptismal pool was lined, the home next door was purchased, name plates were put on the pews, the parking lot was sealed, and the interior and exterior of the church was painted. Reverend Malcolm Mathis served as pastor for two (2) years and the church accepted his resignation.


Reverend William Terry served as the interim Pastor form December, 1998 to June, 1999. On June 20, 1999, the Reverend Terry was installed as the 3rd pastor of the Faith Baptist Church of Berkeley, Incorporated. Under the leadership of the Reverend Terry, the parking lot was sealed and striped, roofs were installed on the church and the house next door, a new stove was purchased, a furnace and air conditioner was installed in the church and the lower level, and the front of the church was remodeled. Pastor Terry resigned after serving as pastor for six (6) years.


On January 1, 2006, the Reverend LaMarr White, Sr., was sent to Faith Baptist Church by the then State President, Reverend Tommy Pierson, to oversee the service. Reverend White was elected as pastor on April 2, 2006 and was installed as the 4th pastor of the Faith Baptist Church of Berkeley, Incorporated. Reverend White continued during his pastorate to raise the standards of this body through preaching and teaching of God's Word. Under Reverend White’s leadership new ministries were formed – namely: The Health Unit, The Men and Women Ministries, 4th Sunday Fellowship Dinner, Prayer and Bible Study Dinner, Leadership Meetings, Vacation Bible School was expanded, the men and ladies restrooms were remolded, carpet in the sanctuary and steps. The members were encouraged to seek and save the lost, to heal the broken hearted, and to use our spiritual gifts to the Glory of God, until Christ returns. Reverend White resigned the pastorate of the Faith Baptist Church in September, 2010.


On January 30, 2011 the church called the Reverend Keith Bernard Pendilton to serve as pastor. Pastor Pendilton was installed as the 5th pastor of the Faith Baptist Church of Berkeley, Incorporated, and he hit the ground running. He was known throughout the Midwest and South for his preaching, teaching and musical talent. Pastor “Pen” (as he is affectionately called) led our church in becoming vital participants in the Berean Missionary Baptist District Association, of which he proudly serves as the 17th Moderator; Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri, and the National Baptist Convention, USA, Incorporated of which he served as Vice President of the National Music Auxiliary for the Southwest and Midwest Regions from 2005-2015.


Many ministries were reorganized and added under his pastorate. Namely, the Mother’s Board, FYF (Faith Youth Fellowship), the Pastor’s Aide and the Boys to Men ministries. Under his leadership, we added to this ministry the following modern amenities:

  • GIVELIFY ~ which is online giving directly from your wireless devices.
  • FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH-BERKELEY CONFERENCE CALL to hold our Wednesday night Prayer Meeting and Bible Study during inclement weather.
  • Dedication of the fellowship hall on January 5, 2016 in the name of the Reverend H. L. & Mother Grace Citchen Fellowship Hall
  • Reverend H. L. Citchen Leadership Training School which will convene in September, under the leadership of our dean, Mother Vernell Williams.

God has kept the faithful few disciples steadfast and unmovable, along with our new disciples. God be praised! Pastor Pendilton has asked our church membership to embrace the concept of:

  • WITNESSING & PRAYING FAITHFULLY ~ as we continue to PREACH, TEACH, FELLOWSHIP & SERVE until our Christ comes again.

Pastor Pendilton recognized in a fixed and focused way that the primary foundation of the legacy of this church is a compassionate concern for the homeless and less fortunate people in our community. As we celebrate 48 years of Christian Service, we want to constantly embrace the vision of our Organizing pastor the late Reverend Henry L. Citchen, Sr., along with his precious wife, the late Mother Grace Citchen and the remaining nine (9) charter disciples, Percy Alford, Wedia Alford, Carl Citchen, Freddie Citchen, Henry Citchen, Rosie Collins, Shirley Warlick, Charles Welch (passed away December 2, 2023) and Hazel Welch; who have continued to embrace that vision.


The generosity and contributions of the discipleship of the Faith Baptist Church of Berkeley, Incorporated have made it possible for our history to be a part of God’s History. We humbly honor their dedication and sacrifice as we proudly celebrate 48 years of Christian Service.

We pause momentarily to call the name of our faithful disciple & loved one who has transitioned through this church in 2019:

-Sister Carrie Johnson


Pastor Pendilton resigned in 2020. Reverend Michael Dwayne Wallace & Reverend Jerry Hodges came to oversee the 8:30AM & 10:30AM services. On Saturday, January 9, 2021, Reverend Michael Dwayne Wallace became the pastor elect and will service as the 6th pastor of Faith Baptist Church of Berkeley. 


Faith Berkeley has had an exciting history, but we are convinced that our greatest days are not behind us. The God that we serve has been our help in ages past, and He is our hope for years to come. Pray with us as we continue LIVING BY FAITH and GROWING BY GRACE.

May God Bless and Keep you!

Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

Mission Statement

At Faith Berkeley, we are Living by Faith ~~ Growing by Grace. 

Reverend Henry L. Citchen,

Organizing Pastor

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